P-04- 429: Re-opening of the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth Train Line – Additional information from petitioner

Annwyl Sian,
Sorry for the delay in replying. I hope that although I have missed the deadline, you will be able to consider my comments in the forthcoming committee meeting on 29th January.
I have considered the response from Carl Sargeant and, although I agree that re-opening th Carmarthen to Aberystwyth trainline would be a costly venture, it is one that would benefit both the local and national economy of Wales in the long term. I believe that it would link communities that have had to contend with sub-standard public transport services for too long. Furthermore, it would attract more tourists and more businesses to the area - afterall, tourists will only travel as far as you will let them - which is why they are more likely to visit Tenby than Newcastle Emlyn, for example. 
As for business people - they are not going to alight a train at Carmarthen to wait for an hourly bus service that may or may not arrive - depending on traffic delays, mechanical breakdowns etc...and with no 'real-time' information how are they to know if one is due or not? In this way, I believe that the Minister is not truly considering the needs of the local communities - better transport links will attract more business, better services, leading to greater employment and prosperity to an area that desperately needs it.
I wonder if the Minister has entered into any initial consultations with businesses to see if they would be interested in co-funding the project? I'm sure that enough capital can be raised, even in economically difficult times, especially when the initial cost is weighed against the overall long term gains to Wales as a whole. I believe that if the project does not go ahead then Wales really has lost an opportunity to develop in ways that are absolutely vital for the future generations of this country.
Kind regards,
Mark Worrall